list of residential and commercial services and add ons

Here is a list of services and add-ons that we find to fit your residential or commercial cleaning needs.

  • Every residential cleaning includes the living room and dining room.
  • We offer standard cleaning, deep cleaning, and the tendency cleaning, moving in cleaning for homes, studios, mobile home, room is being rented out of house, stairs, and Mansion like residences, offices, School, libraries, houses of worship.
  • Please let us know if you want your kitchen done and if you want your oven and fridge cleaned because these are add-ons and will cost extra.
  • Let us know if you have any other rooms such as lofts, walking closets, balconies, patio, pool houses, outside bars, or dens.
  • We provide carpet cleaning, shampooing, pet treatment, pet odor or smokers odor treatment, tough stains such as from pets, makeup, food or drinks.
  • Some add-on that cost extra are stairs, fans, walls, your grill, windows, if you have drapes, and in the process of all this if we have to move a lot of furniture.

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