all about our services page

Here is a list of services we provide..

  • Residential cleaning: this is a standard cleaning, deep cleaning, end of tendency cleaning, before you move in cleaning.
  • Residential and Commercial carpet cleaning: this is shampooing the carpet, pet treatment for your carpet, pet odor or smoke odor treatment, tough stain treatment.
  • Tile and grout:  is the ceramic tile, glass tile, natural Stone tile, such as granite, slate, and if you're not sure just ask. Seal is included in the price.
  • Upholstery and furniture cleaning:  this is sofas, love seats, sectional couches, chairs, mattresses, curtains or drapes. Would you fabrics like microfiber, leather, cotton, polyester, linen, and suede.
  • Rugs:  we do fabric like wool, cotton, acrylic, silk and if you're not sure just ask.

Once again do not forget to ask about our discount one way we can show our appreciation for you.

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